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Category Archives: TV Bots

Helfer_250xWired conducted an interview with the actress that plays everyone’s favorite sexy cylon on Battlestar Galactica, Tricia Helfer. Battlestar Galactica’s final season debuts this Friday, and we’re looking forward to it despite certain bumps in the road last season.

Click here to read the interview with Tricia.

And enjoy this exclusive picture from last year’s San Diego Comic-con, where Tricia Helfer was kind enough to pose with my John McClaine action figure on her head. She’s not just a beautiful and talented actress, she’s also a good sport.


Part of the appeal of robots is making them do things that we don’t want to do or can’t do for ourselves– and now researchers at Toshiba have developed a small, mega-cute talking robot that can learn how to use our remote controls.

ApriPoco is a 8.4 inch tall robot that is equipped with sensors that can detect infrared rays from remote controls. It uses its own infrared signal to respond to verbal commands, and can learn a range of instructions.
While users might get upset if a conventional machine makes a mistake, the researchers hope that the robot’s child-like appeal will make people more patient and willing to help it learn.

Such interaction has proved to work well in trials, particularly with seniors– people who need the most help with the growing array of remote controls in our lives.

Toshiba hopes to develop the robot for a commercial launch but has not yet decided when it might go on sale.

See video of ApriPoco at work below:

Thesarahconnorchronicles20070620033Alright Terminator fans, the big premiere is here and the verdict is in– Lena Headey is the best thing about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. She may not have Linda Hamilton’s muscles or Sigourney Weaver’s mech suit, but she has their gravitas– and that’s all that matters to me.

Meanwhile, Thomas Dekker hasn’t done much to impress me so far as TV’s John Connor. He’s a little “High School Musical” for my taste– and he would definitely get his ass kicked by Edward Furlong, the original squinty pipsqueak.

As for the rest of the show, I enjoyed the hot robot-on-robot action scenes, the time travel, and Sarah Connor scolding her future savior son– but I wasn’t a fan of the initial introduction of the Summer Glau character. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of a young sexy female Terminator protector for John, but why does she have to go undercover in high school and pretend to flirt with him before saving his life? Is this the new Terminator show or a remake of 21 Jump Street?

Also, I know Schwarzenegger is too busy running California to play Terminator anymore, but why do the new Terminator models look so wimpy? Where have all the cyborg muscles gone?

Lena Headey, it looks like the future of this show rests on your sexy shoulders.

Take a look at the new Terminator played by Owain Yeoman on the upcoming Fox show The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It looks like they’re staying true to the franchise…for now. But he’s going to need a hat to cover that exposed CPU lid.

